Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pronunciation Exercise Reflections

PE 1 Reflections
My goals for PE 1 were:

Be able to mimic the intonation of a male Japanese speaker.
Be able to speak with a rhythm that is fluid across sentences as opposed to individual mora units.
Be able to distinguish the aspirated and non-aspirated consonant sounds
Be able to distinguish the long and short vowels.

I feel like my rhythm for Japanese sentences have gotten better and my intonation has improved. Shibata sensei noted that I should be wary of properly hearing the differences between aspirated and non-aspirated sounds like "k" and "gg" because I speak Korean as well. With our vocabulary learned thus far, I have been able to distinguish these sounds. 
Since my goals were broader for PE1, I cannot definitively say that I have accomplished them albeit I have improved in all noted areas. I will try to make much more concrete goals for PE2 that are accomplishable.

PE 2 Goals
Shadow the beginning introduction of the Seven Samurai movie trailer.
Pronounce one Japanese tongue twister perfectly.
Make sure that my particles are not said separately from the object or verb that they are supporting.
Speak more fluidly across prepositional phrases and other units within one sentence (stop faltering mid-sentence).


  1. しちにんの さむらいの シャドーイングは とても むずかしいですが、とても いいです(To shadow "Seven Samurai" is very hard but is good for PE).がんばってください。

  2. I just watched the Seven Samurai trailer. It looks pretty cool!
    Hope you have fun shadowing.
