Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Why Japanese?

Hello classmates! I'm very excited to start this blog and track how my Japanese improves, as well as use it as a compilation of the strange and wonderful elements of Japanese culture. I want to learn Japanese because I want to be able to travel Japan and perhaps even live there for a couple years. Think of being able to see and understand everything going on here.

I first became interested in Japanese due to a manga I watched called Cowboy Bebop. There was a movie made from the series a couple years ago. 

I started saying words like 素晴らしい and ばかな to my friends. Soon we were all watching Japanese anime. 

The hardest part for me in the past couple of days is the daily repetition of studying a language. It will be nice to 
get in a groove very fast and be able to see nice ROIs. Do you have any suggestions of how to memorize characters?


  1. はじめまして! マックマレンです。 ノ-トロダイモ(Notre Dame :P) だいがくの にねんせいです。 I'm in にほんほ 10101 (basically 101) too. Our teacher, やまもとせんせい said we should comment on some of these blogs, so here we are :P I saw your favorite (or most familiar) anime is Cowbow Bebop; I think I've heard of that before. My favorite is 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン (Neon Genesis Evangelion), it's ridiculously good. せんこうは なんですか?

  2. はじめまして! シェンです。 どうぞよろしく。

    Best of luck with first year Japanese! I find that flashcard programs, especially Anki, really helps for learning characters. That and trying to use the characters as much as possible. Slipping in a few characters in your notes helps a lot.


  3. いさん、
    はじめまして、わたしは ジャオです、ノートルダムだいがくの にねんせいです。どぞよろしく。

  4. はじめまして。リアンです。どぞよろしくおねがいします。名探偵コナンをよんでましたか。そのまんがはとても おもしろいですよ。

  5. いさん、
    You want to live in Japan? That's so cool. For how to memorize character, I just kept writing them over and over until they're all in my head. There must be some other better ways though.

